A podcast on the Philosophy of Geek Culture.
Client: B3AR FRUIT
Role: Creative Director, Producer, Co-Host
Big ideas come from my hometown, Philadelphia. Discourse is in our DNA. Benjamin Franklin led deep discussions here. He broke down politics, philosophy, and culture over pints with like minded folks. They called it the Junto.
Fast forward a few centuries and the world has changed. Big topics are tackled in surprising places. That's when the question hit me. What if I brought that same energy to comic books, movies, and GEEK CULTURE?

Comic Book Junto is a podcast on the philosophy of geek culture. The project is built around the concept that these stories should be taken seriously. That beneath the noirish allure of a billionaire vigilante detective might be valuable insight for the real world. This isn't kid stuff. This is storytelling like art, literature, and cinema.
I served as creative director, producer, and co-host for the project.
Over the course of three years, Comic Book Junto published nearly 200 episodes. The podcast has been played over 55,000 times by fans around the globe. As a host on the podcast, I've also had the honor of interviewing Black Panther comic book writer Ta-Nehisi Coates, and multiple academy award winner Ruth E. Carter.